
Weaving Sticks Luggage Tag for Kids

weaving sticks luggage tag

Summer is always the perfect time for a family vacation, so here is another fun and easy project for you and the kids to get ready for your trip!

We all know that children want some sense of independence, so why not allow them to make their very own luggage tag for their very own piece of luggage? Not only is this project easy, but its also safe for all ages.

Clover’s Weaving Sticks are available in two sizes: Thick and Fine. Each package includes six weaving sticks and one tapestry needle.

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  • 5 Weaving Sticks
  • Yarn
  • 1 Button
  • Needle & Thread

For this project I used 5 Clover Weaving Sticks and weaved an 11 inch panel. I tied knots on both ends to prevent the yarn from slipping off. To make a pocket, I folded the panel in half and sewed the sides together. For the handle, I used 2 Weaving Sticks and weaved about 9 inches. I sewed one end to the top inside of the pouch. I then sewed my button onto the front. In able to secure the tag onto a piece of luggage, you only have to separate the yarn enough to slip the end of the strap over the button.


Don’t forget! You can also fill out your information and slip it into the pouch in case your luggage gets misplaced OR to simply hold something small, like an iPod!