
Knit Out @ the Mall of America

Minnesota in February isn’t at the top of my list of places to visit but the warmth of the people that come through for this huge event more than made up for the freezing temps outside.  It was my second year to do the event and it was just as much fun as the first experience.  It makes my heart smile to see the people that are dedicated to the needle arts and love knitting and crochet work as much as we do here at Clover.  A BIG thank you to each and everyone that came out to say hi and see what is new and “happenng”.  I took my camera with such good intentions of taking pictures but when 30,000 people come by your booth in a two day period there is little time to do anything but talk.  Talk we did, too !  Three of the Clover Girsl were at this event, Carol, Alicia and myself, Fran, and we each were a little hoarse at the end of each day.

the one picture i did get was the sweetest young woman about at the end of her pregnancy working in the Yarn Dr. booth.  She had pinned booties and hat on her top showing the direction the baby was facing.  It looked to me as thought that baby was about ready to make his or her appearance .. SOON!