
A Dear Friend Says Goodbye: Nancy Zieman Announces her Retirement

What do our minds conjure up when we think of someone retiring?

Perhaps parting gifts like a gold watch or an office party with too much to drink or those unending farewell speeches laden with exaggerated accolades.

But not for Nancy Zieman, not for our Nancy. Nancy will simply flow into retirement carrying with her the heartfelt gratitude of the hundreds of thousands of lives that she has touched.  I would like share just one of those with you.

A young woman had just taken a class from Nancy at a fabric show.  She walked into the Clover booth afterwards and told me that she had always wanted to meet Nancy in person.  And she had a very specific reason for wanting to do so.  She stated very clearly that Nancy had changed her life.  In a way, she felt that she had “kind of” already met Nancy several years ago in her apartment in Omaha.  She had been watching television that day and happened onto Sewing With Nancy.  And that’s how she learned to sew.  But it was more important than just learning  to sew.  It was learning what was possible.  This woman had a very slight build.  Most of her adult life the selection of fashionable clothing available to her had been extremely limited.  That had now changed.  With the skills and encouragement she received from Nancy she could make her own clothes.  For the first time in her adult life she could dress fashionably in clothes that actually fit and were comfortable.  Now able to dress like her contemporaries, she had found a new confidence in herself that transcended both professional and personal settings.  And that changed her life.  And Nancy will be the focus of that gratitude forever.  Better than a gold watch?  I think so.  And that’s just one story among no doubt countless others.

It has been a distinct privilege for all of us at Clover to know Nancy, both professionally and personally, for so many years.  Just to be there when Nancy presented one of her many new creative ideas was amazing.  Not only to see the logic of a newly conceived sewing notion, but to also experience the creative vision and enthusiasm Nancy had for each.  No Hassle Triangles Gauge, Flex ‘n Glide Bodkin, 5-in-1 Sliding Gauge, Stack ‘n Store Bobbin Tower, Fuse ‘n Bind, 6-in-1 Stick ‘n Stitch, Wrap ‘n Fuse Piping, Seams Right, Trace ‘n Create Templates, Fuse ‘n Gather, and the list goes on and on.   “I sew for fun” will be the theme of the last line of sewing notions designed by Nancy for Clover.  It represents basic sewing notions made especially for children and will bring the joy of sewing to a whole new generation of sewing enthusiasts.  I ask you, what could be more Nancy-like than that?

On a personal note and speaking collectively for Clover, our association with Nancy has been truly memorable.  We are so fortunate to have worked with her and shared her vision.  She is a remarkable talent wrapped in a cloak of humility.  Never drawing light unto herself but instead always shining it among others.  Always positive, always there to help, to encourage, to advise, to mentor, to uplift or to lighten any burden. Though we will miss her within our ranks we wish her a fulfilling and joyful retirement with time for family and friends and perhaps a little time to reflect on what a difference her life has made to so many others.  She has been a great friend to us individually and as a company.  She will forever have our heartfelt gratitude.  If I can borrow a term from the Naval service I’d say for all of us at Clover, “Nancy, our dear friend, we wish you fair winds and following seas.”

A Personal Note from Nancy here.

**If you will be at Fall Quilt Market and want to say goodbye to Nancy, feel free to stop by our booth (#2322) and leave a note for Nancy.**

Visit Clover’s website to see Nancy’s Must Have Notions, Nancy’s Trace N Create Bag Templates, Nancy’s Trace N Create Quilt Templates, and the all new I Sew For Fun Collection.