
Keeping Warm with Tunisian Crochet

WOW!!!! The sun is out and the temps are in the 50’s…a real heat wave.  The weather has tried to drown us this winter and according the newscasters it is a record breaking year for rain fall.  We are all so proud of this great honor and are sending requests to Mother Nature to share this rain with those in need for we are not worthy of such a gift.  It doesn’t seem to be working as rain is predicted for tonight and tomorrow.  At least today is partially sunny and all those spring bulbs and trees in bloom are much appreciative, as are we humans.  Notice the compost by the garden?  Wonder who is going to spread that?!

Fran's GardenThis Washington winter weather is perfect for knitting/crochet projects and I have been busy.  Most of the past couple weeks have been spent making awesome models for a new product to be released in May….it’s still hush hush but as soon as I have to go ahead I will share them with you.  I have to tell you that I am head over heels in love with this new product and all the cool things you can do with it and believe you will be, too.

Pay attention to the giveaways, people!  We will be giving away great Clover products.  This month it is a set of Tunisian Crochet Hooks.  I have been seeing more than a bit of buzz about Tunisian lately which prompted me to work up a pair of hand warmers for one of the Headquarter Warriors…Melanie Soward… the sales department.  Melanie is ALWAYS cold….something she has dealt with since childhood and I promised to make her some handwarmers.  She will be turning down the air-conditioner at work and others will go right behind her and turn it up.  So, Melanie, this one’s for you!

CuffsThe gray on the right with the Fun Fur Cuff is for Melanie.  The hand-warmer on the left shows the three stitches given in the instructions for the DOUBLE ENDED TUNISIAN HOOKS.

The aspect of our DOUBLE ENDED TUNISAN HOOKS I love best is how quick and easy it is to work with and working in the round provides so many possibilities.  Using the same yarn or two colors quick, easy and usable projects are available.

My favorite project we have done with the Tunisian Hooks is the COFFEE COZY, which we will include with this blog for you to make.  I love my Latte and I love HOT lattes so the Coffee Cozy comes in handy … I keep several in the car for my use and enjoy making some for friends.  A couple Coffee Cozies and a pound of your friend’s favorite coffee and you have a much appreciated gift.

In the summer I make some using the cotton yarn and put them on my iced tea glass to keep it from sweating.  Hot and cold…they work.

The hand-warmers I am making are so easy.  You can get a pair out of one skein of wool yarn….doesn’t have to be wool.

I used dark gray wool and Lion Brand’s Fun Fur in a multi gray color.  The second pair I will be doing is with cream colored Naturally Caron / Country wool and acrylic blend with a brown Fun Fur.  I’ll have them finished, cleaned up and blocked to show you next time.

Some of my favorite Tunisian projects..

Baby Hat
Just use any knit in the round hat pattern and follow instructions using the Tunisian crochet stitch instead of knit stitches.
Very easy to transform any knit pattern into Tunisian crochet items.
Sunglass Case
Sunglass Case
Coffee Cozy
Coffee Cozy

Project Sheet for Sunglass Case and Coffee Cozy

Wash Cloths
Wash Cloth



 Hook:  H

Yarn:   Sugar and Cream 4 ply Cotton Yarn

Only 1 skein as you will not be crocheting in the round


       Step 1:  Make a base chain with the required number of stitches (25 to 30).

      • Insert hook in 2nd ch from hk and draw through a lp.  Leave this lp on the hook.  Pull a lp through each ch, leaving them on the hk to the end of the row.

Step 2:  Work the return row from left to right.  So not turn the work.  YO and draw lp through first lp on the hk.  YO and draw lp through next 2 lps on the hook.  Continue drawing through 2 lps to end of row.


Step 3:  Do not turn the work.  Work from right to left, skip the first vertical lp formed at the edge of the work in previous row.  Insert hk from right to left behind the next vertical lp.  Yo and draw yarn through the vertical lp.  Leave this lp on hook.  Continue in this way to end.  Make sure you do not skip the last vertical lp on left-handed side of work.

Repeat steps 2 & 3 till project is length called for in pattern.

Difficulty:  Easy/Medium

For the next few weeks I will be working with the Hairpin Lace Tool with some tips and great projects for you to see and even work along with me if you like.

Happy Stitching!