Clover Needlecraft

Helix Scarf with a Soft Twirl

A sunny hello to you all from Las Vegas!  I am here for the International Textile Show and am looking forward to seeing all the beautiful designer fabrics and new embellishments the vendors will be showing.

I haven’t had time to work on my Irish Sweater for grandson, Garret, with all the preparations for the show but I did bring my two Helix scarves that are about completed.  I really want to get these off the needles and use some of the exciting yarns in my stash.  The pattern for the Helix is so easy to work and since it doesn’t require a lot of concentration it is the perfect travel project.

Check your Internet sites for the free Helix pattern to knit or crochet.

Helix is defined as:  “an object having a three dimensional shape like that of a wire wound uniformly around a cylinder or core.”

My first introduction to the Helix scarf was through KNITTING DAILY where a free pattern was offered.  It looked so different I just had to make it and have knit several of these scarves for friends. The green scarf is a fun, mid priced yarn that can be found at your local craft stores and the gray one is a pricier yarn with beads and metallic thread wound in with the wool and can be found at your local yarn shop.

I used Clover’s 9” circular needles, size 2, on the green scarf and double pointed needles, size 2, on the gray with beads.  If you haven’t worked with the 9” circular needles please do yourself a favor and give them a try.  It is so easy to work on small projects with these little guys.  They are absolutely great for working socks instead of using the 4 double point needles.

I love using the double point needles for socks as that is how I learned but on a flight I dropped a needle and could not find it without asking everyone in my row to get out then get down on all fours and search for that needle.  With great frustration I put the project away and slept the remainder of the trip.  With the 9’ circulars….NO DROPPED NEEDLES!!!!!!

I have truly enjoyed working the “short rows” that make the Helix scarf twirl and creates the pattern.  A short row is defined as rows useful in making soft curves or darts.  They are rows that are only partially worked before turning

A nice tutorial can be found on

The simple to work pattern makes a stunning scarf whether for yourself or as a gift.

The green yarn had a little more body which made the ruffle effect more pronounced.  The gray yarn is so soft making the ruffles softer.

See how cute they are when they curl…it’s magic!

We truly do work hard at the shows where we present our newest and greatest products but there are moments of fun…

Our fearless leader (Jan Carr) and his bride (Alicia Carr) bringing coffee to their devoted Clover employees!

Till next time….

Oh, by the way, I am still waiting for those pictures of your projects!!!

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