
Irish Fisherman knit for Grandson

Oh! WOW!!! March already?  It is definitely March weather here in the Northwest today….70 mph winds and pounding rain.  It is a day to build a fire and curl up on the couch with my current knitting projects.  Yes, I said projects!

The big project I have going right now is an Irish Fisherman knit patterned sweater for my grandson, Garret, age 7.  Hopefully I will finish it before the Midwest winter ends and muggy summer arrives.  With St Patricks day as my finish goal ( I’m not making it) I thought a green would be nice….besides, Garret requested a green, Gramma, not a girly green but a nice tree green.  Well, we have a lot of evergreens up here so it was that shade of green we settled on.  I hope he likes it.

The pattern I am using is LW1329 Cables for Kids from

Skill Level: Intermediate

Using the Clover Interchangeable knitting needle set makes all my projects easier because I have the perfect needle and cable size in one place.

I love working this type pattern because it has cables and several different patterns that hold my attention and is challenging.  I love using Clover’s, Cable Hooks during this process and without the Kacha Kacha row counter it would be an absolute mess.  I would never remember where I was.  This little miracle worker is so great because once you slip a cord through the slot at its top it hangs around your neck so it is always where you want it….available ….and not in between the couch cushions.

The sleeves on this sweater worked up quickly and I am on the front now….about half way finished so it shouldn’t take long to complete and then I will whip out the front!

The color didn’t show true.  It is a hunter green, dark and rich.

The sleeves next to my half finished front.


I used Clover’s stitch markers and row counters….couldn’t complete my projects without using our oh so helpful knitting notions.

I will share a picture of the finished sweater and the sweet young man I am making it for when it is all completed.

The fire is roaring and warm and Buddy and Skittles ( dog and cat) are curled up in front of it.  Buddy is snoring but Skittles doesn’t seem to mind.

I needed a quick and easy project while waiting at the Dr’s office and found some Lion Brand Recycled Cotton yarn to make dish clothes with.  I love working with this cotton yarn and my friends absolutely adore receiving hand made dishcloths.  The pattern is on the internet and it’s free.

My latest yarn purchases are itching to be put on needles.  I wonder what I will end up making with them….what would you do with these?

The gray yarns are Pagewood Farm’s GLITTERATI with ribbons, lace, sequins and you name it woven into the yarn.  I will mix it with Trendsetter’s Merino VIII ( superwash!!! Love it) to make a scarf or maybe hat….who knows. Oh my gosh but Pagewood Farm has some AWESOME!! YARNS…check them out at

The picture of the red yarn really doesn’t do it justice, it is so yummy I want to crawl into it and become one with it!  ha…the shading of reds from dark burgundy to a soft red  makes this hand of yarn feel alive.  It is TOSH MERINO LIGHT by Madelinetosh.  You can check out their yarns at ,

I will keep you posted on the progress of the Irish Sweater and what I decide to do with the new yarns in my stash.

I have some crochet projects I will be starting soon and will let you see those, too.

We would love to hear and see what you are working on at the present.

Send a pic and a little bit about the project and we will share.

Happy Knitting