
Sew Expo Puyallup, Washington

The Clover team is in Washington state working the largest sewing-stitchery show in the U.S.  It is set in the fair grounds in Puyallup, and the weather has gotten excited about the 30,000 expected attendees by giving us little samples of snow, rain, winds and a wee bit of sunshine … BUT … “the mountain”, Mt Rainier, has not shown itself .  It can be shy, but when it decides to come out it is breath-taking!

Mt Rainier on a clear day
Clover is the official notions sponsor of Sew Expo

Thursday was the first day and we were excited to meet the talented people coming to take classes and spend their money!! Clover has a lounge area in the classroom hall which, for this show, has been named CLOVER HALL.  We demonstrated our products and assisted attendees at our play stations where they get to play with some of our products. We’re featuring Flower Frills, yo-yo makers, Wrap ‘n Fuse coiling, felting, and more.

Alicia Salazar is demonstrating the FLOWER FRILL

We also have a booth in the show hall where we’re demonstrating our newest products and answering a lot of questions.  Because it’s a retail show, and judging by the bags I saw people carrying,  I am PRETTY SURE this crew of stitchers has already left a few dollars with the amazing selection of vendors at the show.

Nancy Zeiman is here teaching and we were told her class was sold out within two days of attendees receiving their class schedule.  Nancy works with Clover doing product development and stitchers the world over love those products.

This fabulous quilt is on display and features yo-yo's made with Clover's yo-yo makers.

Oh, by the way, the gang from California is freezing and they’re all wrapped up in coats, scarves, gloves and hats!! Meanwhile, I, a Washington state resident, am in shirt sleeves! It’s cute to see those from the land of sun dressed as Nanook of the North!

More from the show later …..