
Holiday Craziness

Oh My!  Time gets away from me so easily on a normal day but these holidays I can’t afford to blink!  It is down to the wire and I can’t put off wrapping gifts much longer.  That is the part I really don’t care for so it seems to be pushed aside until the last minute.  My table is set and the grocery list made but I just can’t seem to make myself wrap…oh well.

The Jojoland scarf is finished and UPS says it was delivered so I can now focus on finishing my Rainy Day Knits Stained Glass Bubble Scarf.  I have used a NORO yarn and love the way the colors unfold row after row.  I have fallen in love with this pattern and have several skeins of yarn to make more scarves with.  For those of you that have trouble with the double pointed needles Clover’s 9″ circulars works well.   I am making the hat to go along with the scarf and will have pictures after Christmas.

I ask many of my friends to share their memories of handmade items they remember receiving as children.  So many shared on facebook and silly me forgot that facebook things go away so I lost their exact words but the feelings remain clearly in my heart.  We grumbled about the hand knit things from Aunt Betty or Gramma Lou but as we grew and our children came we treasured the love and time that went into those items and all those knit and crocheted slippers really were our favorites!  In todays economy making a gift is often times the only gift some can afford to give.  Anything someone took the time to make for us is a gift to be treasured and respected.  Even if the sweater would fit two of you or the sleeves hang down to you knees…it was made with love.  Love gets lost in todays world all too often.  I hope during this season your days will be touched by the love of family and friends and maybe even a stranger or two.  Reach out and let someone out there know you care about them.

I wish you all a wonderful holiday and the best of New Years!  May it be filled with unexpected blessings and lots and lots of beautiful knitting, quilting and all those other hand crafts we so love.

Blessings to all, my friends!