
Amazing Quilts

Hey Everyone, gee, sorry the posting went south, so to speak.  i had added pictures of quilts but was having computer problems in KY…maybe it was computer operator problems but whichever the pictures didn’t display.  I will continue adding the quilt pictures and hope you will enjoy them.

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This beautiful duster was made by joining the main squares with beautiful silk yoyo’s.  I would like to think the seamstress used Clover’s Yo-yo Maker rather than making all those yoyo’s by hand the old fashioned way.

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As you can see my photography isn’t the best sometimes but this shot does show the yoyo’s.  Look at the beautiful quilting on the main squares.

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This quilt was breathtaking.  The hand work is amazing so i took a close up of one small section so you could see the expertise of this quilter.

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I wanted to rush out and start an applique project when I saw this quilt.  I will add some more pictures of the quilts and one of the Best of Show.  The designer is from Australia…quilters like this AND Hugh Jackman…wow…what more could a country ask for??