Clover Needlecraft

Tomato Pin Cushion Crochet Pattern

Here’s something nostalgic for all of our fiber arts enthusiasts – a tomato pin cushion! In my childhood home, we kept ours in the sewing box (which was, of course,  an empty blue Danish cookie tin). Turn this pin cushion into a cuddle-sized cushion with the pattern mods below. Enjoy this pattern! -Amy (curiouspapaya)





If you prefer the premium, printable PDF instead, you can find it HERE. Thank you for supporting my designs.


*Note: When making the Giant Tomato, use the 9 mm hook for the tomato and the 7 mm hook for the leaves. For the Tomato Pin Cushion, use the 2.25 mm hook for both parts.

For the Giant Tomato, add the safety eyes between rnds 9-10, 7 sts apart. [img 1]

Center the yellow pom pom between the eyes and secure it on with hot glue.

Cut a long strand of black yarn and embroider a curved smile 2 sts wide, 1 rnd below the nose.

*Tip: Keeping the facial features close together creates a more “chibi” look. You can also use UHU fabric glue to secure the subtle curved mouth down

For the Tomato Pin Cushion, secure the felt facial features on spanning Rnds 9-10 using UHU glue. [img 2]

Stuff the piece well.

Rnd 21: (dec) x8 [8]

Fasten off and leave a tail for closing the piece. Go through the flo and pull the hole closed.


Using the respective hook and Green yarn. 

*Note: The stem will be constructed first, followed by the leaves all in one piece.

*Tip: The slst will alleviate the “jog” from working in a spiral for the tomato stem. The same technique is used in Rnd 3 below.

Continue onto the leaves:


Giant Tomato:

*Note: Be careful and don’t pull your tension too tightly or the leaves will cinch!

Tomato Pin Cushion:

If sewing, follow the steps above.

If securing with UHU glue, follow step 1 above and then the rest of the steps below.

You’re finished!

You’re finished! We’d love to see your creations over on Instagram. Tag your creations with #cloversquad and #curiouspapaya to share your makes.

If you want to keep up with me, Amy, on social media for other fun projects, follow me on: Instagram

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