Mini Yo-Yo Hanging- DIY
Hi friends! My name is Faith Essenburg and I am back with another make that I hope you will love. This month I wanted to make something completely unnecessary but totally enjoyable because sometimes we just need a little happy sewing therapy.
There are so many wonderful sewing notions and tools from Clover that I love, and one that I go to over and over again for fun sewing are the Yo-Yo makers. For todays make you will need the following:
30mm Yo-Yo maker
9 cuts of 3×3 inch fabric to make your Yo-Yo’s (I went with a rainbow of special Liberty fabrics)
2 pieces of fabric 6.5 x 6.5 for front and back, plus a scrap of batting in the same size.
A 4 inch piece of ribbon.
thread, needle, scissors.
A trick I just discovered, if you have a hard time visualizing the size of a finished 30mm Yo-Yo, the circle around the center hole of the top of the maker is the size your finished Yo-Yo will be. Now let’s get started!
Place a piece of fabric in the Yo-Yo maker with the right side of the fabric on the side with the hole. Use a needle and thread to sew through the holes of the maker. Leave your needle and thread attached while you remove the fabric from the maker.
Gently pull the thread tight to close the Yo-Yo, adjusting the shape as needed. Take your needle and go through the center of the front of the Y0-Yo so that the thread is on the back. Make a knot and cut your thread. Repeat to make 9 Yo-Yo’s.
To make the base place your fabric front and back right sides together with the batting on the bottom. Sew around the edges using a 1/4 seam allowance, leave an opening of three inches for turning. Turn your base right side out through the opening and use a tool to push the corners out. Take your piece of ribbon, fold in half and center in the opening using a pin to hold in place and keep your seam allowance folded under. I used Wonder Clips to keep the rest of my seam allowance in place while I sewed around the parameter with a scant 1/8 inch seam.
I added some hand stitching in a sage green and called it good.
Years ago my friend Lisa Ann sent me the little Heather Ross covered button one and I’ve kept it hanging in my sewing room ever since, it is one of my most favorite things and makes me happy whenever I see it! I also love this version from Larisa. Now that I have two I might need to find a space on my wall to hang them together. These would also make great little gifts or add ons to a swap. My Liberty Capel fabric collection has grown so I might need to make a rainbow one with some of the softer colors. For this one my kids said they liked the bolder colors and wanted me to include the black which I wasn’t going to argue with. Any excuse to use black Capel!
I would love to see your Mini Yo-Yo Hanging, tag me over on Instagram and follow along with Clover for more fun.
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