Clover Needlecraft

How to Make a Watermelon Pom-Pom Garland

Hi makers! My name is Jessica and I am the artist behind Wood You Knot. Fiber art is my first love, but if you take a look at my page, you’ll find just a little bit of everything! Whether it be metal stamping, jewelry making or macramé, I just create what makes me happy in the moment. I’m a firm believer of following your heart and choosing crafts that bring you joy!

I’ve teamed up with my friends at Clover to bring you this fun and easy tutorial. I’ll be showing you how to create your very own Watermelon Pom-Pom Garland using Clover’s Pom-Pom Makers.

So without further ado, lets get started on creating one of my FAVORITE pieces!

What You’ll Need


Using your 45mm Clover Pom-Pom Maker, start with opening the pom maker arm and wrapping a single layer of pink yarn.

After you’ve wrapped the first layer of pink, you’ll then take your black yarn and add four wraps of black. I like to spread them apart so the ‘seeds’ are evenly spaced when your pom-pom is finished. You’ll then wrap another layer of pink over the black wraps. Add three more black wraps on top of that. Finish it off with another layer of pink so none of the black wraps are showing.

Open the second arm of the pom maker and start with a thin layer of dark green first. Alternate to the light green and then back to the dark green as the third layer. Finish it off by wrapping white over everything so none of the green is showing.

After you’ve finished wrapping, close the pom-pom maker. Take your scissors and cut along the channels on both sides, making sure to keep the pom-pom maker closed. Cut a piece of your embroidery thread, double it up and tie a secure double knot around the pom-pom maker. The tighter the knot, the better! Slowly lift the pom-pom maker arms up one at a time on each side and gently pull maker apart. The pom-pom might look slightly misshapen, but that’s totally normal! Take your scissors and trim the excess thread off.

Now we’re ready for my favorite part, TRIMMING! I like to start slow, making sure to get that nice round shape I’m looking for.

This part is fun because you can take off a little, which makes for a more fluffy pom-pom, or trim down a lot for a cleaner, more smooth pom-pom. I like to trim the watermelon pom-poms down further so all the little details show!

For the melon ball, you will need to use your 35mm Clover Pom-Pom Maker. Start by wrapping one of the arms with light green, layer with dark green next and finish off with a third layer of light green. Repeat for the opposite arm. Cut along channels, tie the pom-pom with a double knot and lift arms to remove pom-pom. Trim the excess down to your desired size.

We’re almost ready for assembly! For my garlands, I like to make five watermelon pom-poms and four melon ball pom-poms. Once you’ve created your desired amount, you’re going to take yarn and thread it through your tapestry needle. Start by threading your watermelon pom-pom as close to the center of as possible and pull the yarn through. Repeat this step for the melon ball and continue alternating between the two until all your pom-poms are strung.

Well that’s it! You now have a fun, watermelon pom-pom garland to brighten up your favorite space. Hang it over a bed, in a nursery or even in a cubicle. It’s sure to give off those summer time vibes no matter what time of the year it is!

I hope you all enjoyed this tutorial! If you’re interested in checking out my other pom-pom and macramé makes, head over to my Instagram @Wood.You.Knot

Thank you all for following along, have fun making and don’t forget to create what brings you joy!


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