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Tool School: Pom Pom Makers

   Tool School Pom Pom MakersWhat is it?
Think of the stereotypical ski hat and you’ll realize that it just wouldn’t be complete without a pom-pom on the pointy tip. Actually I think it’s a requirement. But pom-poms are much more than funny hats emblazoned with snowflakes and deer heads. Pom-poms are everywhere we look.

Home decor, jewelry, fashion accessories, bags or blankets are all pom-pom destinations. Very popular today but oh so hard to make and even more difficult to make two or more that are identical. Producing pom-poms that are durable and consistent in size and shape is the challenge.

Frustration and failure loom for those without a method or a very special skill set. And even then there are no guarantees. That is, of course, unless you’re using the pom-pom maker designed by Clover.

Straight forward and easy to use, Clover’s Pom-Pom Maker is available in five packaged sizes and a heart shape. The complete set allows you to make pom-poms in finished sizes of 3/4″, 1″, 1 3/8″, 1 5/8″, 2 1/2″, 3 3/8″ and 4 1/2″.

The heart shape is approximately 2″ in diameter. They’re durable and reusable so you’ll have a lifetime of pom-pom making available to you.

What does it do?
The Clover Pom-Pom Maker enables you to make perfect pom-poms every time. If you want ten that are all the same you can have ten that are all exactly the same. If you want to make them with yarn, use yarn. If you want to make them with raffia, fabric strips or any other fiber product, go ahead. It’s up to you. And you’re done in four, very simple, basic steps.

Step One – Wind your selected fiber on each “half moon” shaped arm of the pom-pom maker. How much yarn do you wrap on the arms? How full do you want your pom-poms to be? More is better.3128 XL Pom Pom Makers RGB (IN USE step 1)

Step Two – With the arms closed, insert a sharp set of scissors into the groove and cut the fiber loops. When done you should be able to see the center all the way around the pom-pom maker.3128 XL Pom Pom Makers RGB (IN USE step 2)

Step Three – Insert a length of fiber, cord, yarn around the groove, pull tight and tie in place. This piece holds the pom-pom pieces together so make sure it is tight enough to hold those fibers in place and the double knot is tight enough to prevent it from ever loosening.3128 XL Pom Pom Makers RGB (IN USE step 3)

Step Four – We’re almost done. Simply pull the tool in half setting your pom-pom free. Now just fluff and shape it by hand and trim to suit your purposes. Need another one? Put the Pom-Pom Maker halves back together and repeat as often as necessary.3128 XL Pom Pom Makers RGB (IN USE step 4)

How do I share it?
There are those who don’t use pom-poms simply because they are not simple to make. Now they are. Make some great store samples and then leave the Pom-Pom Maker out on a demo table along with yarn and scissors. Once your friends see how easy it is they’ll be looking for ways to use pom-poms. As a shop activity, have a pom-pom making contest. Contestants can make them in the shop or bring them from home and then put them all on display along with name tags identifying the responsible parties. It’s a fun event, creates interest and demonstrates the multitude of possibilities.

Watch Tool School here, where Steve Butler does a quick overview of Clover’s Pom Pom Makers.

Now for a tutorial watch the video below:

Use these links to purchase Pom-Pom Makers from our website:

3127 XS Pom Pom Makers (IP) Pom-Pom Maker (Extra Small)
Art No. 3127

3124 S Pom Pom Makers (IP & OOP)

Pom-Pom Maker (Small)
Art No. 3124

3126 L Pom Pom Makers (IP)
Pom-Pom Maker (Large)
Art No. 3126

3128 XL Pom Pom Makers (IP)2

Pom-Pom Maker (Extra Large)
Art No. 3128

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