
It’s June!

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This was the picture outside my front door this morning.

Oh My Gosh! Here it is the first of June and I just built a fire in my office … well … in the fireplace in my office. I’m in sweats and a sweater and still not so warm. It amazes me that someone out there is holding summer hostage from the Northwest – I am willing to trade yarn and fabric for its release. The garden plants are asking for rain coats and water wings, and the slugs are dancing with glee and organizing marches upon the unsuspecting plants and flowers.

Those of you that read the humor column, Frantics, in Cross Stitch and Needlework magazine know my two helpers, Skittles and Mumphy – two very large cats that think they are the answer to every needleworker’s dream. I thought you might like to see pics of the boys helping me out.

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Skittles guarding my projects
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Mumphy working the yarn to soften it for me. He couldn't make up his mind which one was best.
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Skittles just being Skittles.

Since the last posting there have been several exciting events we need to catch up on, so let’s get started! 


I didn’t attend this year but Clover experts Beckie Hanson and Florence Tibbets along with Louis Carson (National Account Manager) and Bill Gardner (Communications Consultant) did a bang up job of keeping the booth traffic moving and happy. I tried downloading the quilt winners but unfortunately my lack of technical knowledge prevented my sharing here the pictures of the awesome quilts and their designers. I suggest you go to the AQS website.  As always it was well attended and the high energy level amongst attendees and vendors made it a fun and exciting show.



Beaver Dam, WI

The weather was cool and windy and some outlying areas had a dusting of snow so we were bundled up when outside. Inside was another story. We were warm and cozy and having the time of our lives visiting with the attendees and sharing the new products Clover has developed.


For all quilters….a MUST HAVE are the new Lone Star Quilt Template and the Dresden Plate Quilt Templates with Nancy Zieman I am absolutely head over heels about these templates. I have long admired both quilt designs but didn’t have much luck with the Lone Star … setting in those pivotal corners!!! And the Dresden Plate just took too much time! I’m here to tell you with these templates you can whip out a quilt top in nothing flat. It took me two days to make 15 Dresden Plate blocks and the Lone Star does NOT have piviotal points – only straight seams. WHEE!!!The really exciting feature about the templates are the choices they give – very large (tree skirt, which is a project sheet) to smaller blocks. If you use the 6” section on the Dresden Plate you can get your pieces from a charm pack. This is what excites me as I am color challenged and don’t like picking fabrics but the charm packs allow me to have a selection of prints and colors that go together … making me look awesome!!!And those blocks breathtaking.


I had a ball visiting with friends new and old and some of the other designers there.

If you don’t know of the AMAZING work of Elinor Peace Bailey you need to check out her website: Elinor has a spirit that can’t be contained….it flows in colors and designs and mystical whimsey that makes my heart soar with joy. Her creations come from a place so magical I would like to visit it often.

Thank you Elinor for the beautiful doll face you painted and shared with me. It is a treasure

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New friends from Beaver Dam, WI. I had more fun with these ladies ... a big hug to each of you!


In addition to the quilt templates Nancy has done another fantastic bag template for Clover – the Florida Tote.TCbag

This great bag is larger and will hold more as we travel about. My yarns and supplies fit in this bag with room left over for a book or maybe a candy bar!!! FOR ENERGY of course.

It uses Clover’s new Wrap ‘n Fuse Piping  and all the easy-to-use items that were made for Clovers Bag program (check out our website for all the products), including new little “feet” for the bottoms of your bags to keep them away from the icky dirty floors. How cool is that?


Speaking of  Wrap ‘n Fuse Piping , it comes in two sizes: 3/16″ and 12/32″, both in 2 and 6 yard packages. You can’t imagine how fast it is to make your own piping and with the larger, home dec size you can whip up beautiful accent pillows with that expensive designer look for less than half the price.

There is so much more to share but that will have to wait till next time. In the meantime, check out the  awesome Christmas ornaments available on the our web site.