
Springtime in the Northwest

Good Morning!  Spring is in full bloom here in the Northwest.  we are having sunny days and everywhere one looks flowers, trees and shrubs are blooming.  I have mentioned before that the Skagit Valley about 40 miles north of my home about is second only to Holland for spring bulb production.  In April the valley looks like a patchwork quilt due to the acres and acres of different colored tulips in bloom.  We have had such a mild winter our bulbs are blooming early.  It looks like the tulips are going to bloom in March this year so their celebration in April may not be so colorful.  Mother Nature keeps us flexible and creative.

It wont be long before the Clover Crew is heading to Spring Quilt Market.  That means lots of activity getting new models made to fill our booth with creative ideas.  I have been working on a table runner with aspirations of one day growing into a bed cover using the green yoyo maker (round/small/item # 8700).

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I went to my wall of fabric and picked the old ’40s reproduction prints to work with.  It is such fun I have to limit myself or I would get nothing else done.  The yoyo’s are about the size of a quarter and are addictive to make!  Okay, I see one hole on the yellow that needs to be smaller…oh well, as they say, only God is perfect.

My husband and I took my 89-year-old mom on a drive yesterday to see the Snow Geese that are on their migration north….they rest in the Skagit Valley on their way….and I worked on the yoyo’s in the car the whole time.  John is always afraid I am going to lose a needle in the seat and it will be his body that finds it.  I reasuure him that it is a simple matter to remove a needle from the body … a pair of pliers and a steady hand is all it will take!  He doesn’t seem inpressed when I share that with him.

Pick up some of Clover’s yoyo makers and have some afternoon fun yourself!