French Knitter Beaded Necklace – Kids’ Crafts
Growing up, one of the first crafts I ever got my hands on was jewelry making. Pony beads and string were my go-to, making necklaces and bracelets to trade with my friends.
Chunky Scarf: Hair Pin Lace Tool Project
By Vickie Howell Last week I streamed live on Facebook to show viewers the scoop on one of Clover’s latest, new items: the Hair Pin Lace Tool.
Make It Monday – Embroidery
Summer is the perfect time to pass on our love of creating to the next generation. Embroidery a great way to introduce tweens and teens to hand stitching. They can customize their clothing and accessory designs with any image they can draw or trace. To make it even faster, you can use our Embroidery Stitching Tool. It works like a punch allowing you to draw the design as you go. The designs shown along with and a visual demonstration of the tool is available on this downloadable pdf. We have…