• Blog

    Getting Started with Hairpin Lace

    I have been having so much fun working with Clover’s Hairpin Lace Tool I have 4 projects going at the same time.  Each time I start to research the lace technique I come across a new pattern that I just have to try. Several sites linked Hairpin Lace with Maltese Lace but I found it was only a small part of what is classified as Maltese Lace and is linked with broomstick lace (another blog bit later).

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    Quilt Retreat & Tunisian Techniques

    My neighbor’s mare dropped a foal about 4 days ago and I have been trying to get a picture of the baby all morning but mama is still very protective and continues to put herself between my camera and the baby.  Spring is without a doubt here….on drives down into the valley there are new lambs frolicking in the pastures…new life is everywhere! I was blessed with a 4 day quilt retreat with my quilt group, Laid Back Ladies of the Block, and have returned refreshed and encouraged to spend…

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    Keeping Warm with Tunisian Crochet

    WOW!!!! The sun is out and the temps are in the 50’s…a real heat wave.  The weather has tried to drown us this winter and according the newscasters it is a record breaking year for rain fall.  We are all so proud of this great honor and are sending requests to Mother Nature to share this rain with those in need for we are not worthy of such a gift.  It doesn’t seem to be working as rain is predicted for tonight and tomorrow.  At least today is partially sunny…

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    Irish Fisherman knit for Grandson

    Oh! WOW!!! March already?  It is definitely March weather here in the Northwest today….70 mph winds and pounding rain.  It is a day to build a fire and curl up on the couch with my current knitting projects.  Yes, I said projects! The big project I have going right now is an Irish Fisherman knit patterned sweater for my grandson, Garret, age 7.  Hopefully I will finish it before the Midwest winter ends and muggy summer arrives.  With St Patricks day as my finish goal ( I’m not making it)…