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    Easter Bunny Pom Pom

    Easter Bunny Pom Pom Help your little bunnies make this fun and easy spring project made with Clover’s Pom Pom Makers.With a little yarn, felt, and Pom Pom makers you’ll be able to get your Spring crafting in bloom! Small Pom Pom Makers (Item 3124) were used for this project, but any size will do. The bunny head was made with the smaller sized Pom Pom and the body was made with the slightly bigger one. Bunny ears were cut from felt as well as a cute little nose. Two black…

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    How to Knit with Beads by Fran Ortmeyer

    I have become a fan of knitting with beads. There are several ways to make this happen…one is pre stringing the beads which takes way more time and patience than I have been gifted with SO I did some research and decided the method using a crochet hook to add the beads as you go was what I needed. I love the process and adding beads this way holds them in place. When knitting with prestrung beads you knit them into the stitch and they tend to roll around to…

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    Felting with Beads & a giveaway!

    Follow along with us all month long as we share projects, tutorials, and inspiration with Clover’s crafting tools. In celebration of National Craft Month we also have giveaways planned all month long! We want to see how you are celebrating National Craft Month and let us know what crafting tools you would like featured this month. Feedback is always appreciated! We’ve seen felt beads but have you ever tried felting WITH beads? Clover’s Pen Style Needle Felting Tool, Felting Claw, and Felting Needle Mat to create a heart shaped embellishment on…

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    March is National Craft Month

    We’re kicking off National Craft Month by showcasing many of the crafting tools Clover has to offer. Follow us all month long as we demonstrate and inspire with all things crafty. We want to see what crafty things you will be working on this month. All week long we’ll be discussing the Needle Felting Tools Clover offers. Be sure to share your felting projects using Clover tools. Needle Felting Tools Needle Felting Tool: Our Needle Felting Tool 5 barbed needles. Protective cover with locking ability.The tool has a spring type…

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    Friday Finds on Flower Frill Home Decor

    Happy Friday everyone! Here in California we are freezing at 54 degrees fahrenheit ( We can’t complain). Here at Clover we are enthused about decorating for the winter holidays. All the silvers, golds, ruby colors, blues and so much more. Get some inspiration this season with flower frills. We also offer a project sheet on creating a Flower Frill Holiday Center Piece Also we found this cute  flower-frill-christmas-wreath-decoration by Christmas Day TV.  We hope you have fun this weekend with flower frills. Send us your project photos on our Facebook page or Instagram at…

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    Make It Monday – Maui Woven Hobo Tote

    Clover’s Weaving Stick’s this season are hot, hot, hot!  You can create almost anything from scarves, headbands, handbags, and even a tote for when traveling on the road. Today we are featuring The Maui Woven Hobo Tote, for easy to follow instructions click on the link below or visit www.clover-usa.com. Maui Woven Hobo Tote with Clover Weaving Sticks Clover Weaving Sticks-How to Video

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    Tuesday Tips: Fusible Interfacing

                Fusible and Bias tape makers. What are they? Maybe you’re starting out in sewing or maybe you’re an expert seamstress. Whatever the case may be, Clover would like to tell you when to use a Fusible product and our Fusible Tape Maker. Simply combine the fabric type of your choice as shown in the image above, with Fusible Web and iron. You can create instant bias tapes in minutes.  A textile attached to the “wrong” side of the fabric, which is the non-printed side uses a fusible interface. It…

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    Watch Us Wednesday- Takumi Across the Globe

    Takumi, a word that means skilled craftsmanship, is a perfect word to describe our high quality knitting needles and the process that goes into making them.   Find out what knitters across the world have to say about Clover’s Takumi Bamboo knitting needles. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EebAenzL0LQ&feature=c4-overview-vl&list=PL5132C032F79ABB84] For more knitting inspiration, visit our Pinterest Knit and Purl Board and tell us why  you choose Takumi.