
Fall Festival Mittens

Clover VH_BLOG_BANNERFALL FESTIVAL mittsOver the weekend, Austin, Texas FINALLY (albeit briefly) gave up its delusions of it still being Summertime. We had a bit of crisp air, a whole lotta rain, and the whisper of hope for more knitterly weather to come. This autumnal glimpse inspired me to start thinking “Fall” colors and, as I have been for the past couple of months, delve even further into my handmade holiday gift plans. The result was the design and creation of the Fall Festival Mittens, which I’m sharing with you today. Here’s to pumpkin patches, chai lattes, and warm hands — enjoy!

1 ball each Patons Classic Wool Roving (100 % Wool; 120 yds/109 m), in colors: (A) Natural, and (C) Pumpkin
1 ball Patons Colorwul (100% Wool; 90 yds/81 m), in color (B) Bramble
Set, U.S. 9 (5.5 mm) Clover Takumi Bamboo double-pointed needles –or size needed to obtain gauge
Set, U.S. 10 (6 mm) Clover Takumi Bamboo double-pointed needles –or size needed to obtain gauge
2, Clover Soft Stitch Markers

Finished Size
Women’s One Size

Finished Measurements
8″/20.5 cm Circumference
10″/25 cm Length

13 sts x 16 rows = 4″/10 cm in Stockinette Stitch using larger needles

Special Term
ktbl = knit stitch through the back loop


Right Mitten

With A, and smaller needles CO 24 sts. Divide sts evenly among needles. Join round, taking care not to twist.


Rnd 1: *P1, k1tbl; rep from * around.

Repeat Rnd 1 until cuff measures 3″/7.5 cm from CO edge.

Next Rnd: Knit, while increasing 4 sts evenly.–28 sts


Divide sts as follows: N1: 7 sts, N2, 14 sts, N3 7 sts.

Knit two rnds.


Rnd 1: Knit all sts on N 1 & 2, N3: k2, pm, k1, m1, k1, pm (4 sts between markers), k to end.

Rnds 2: Knit.

Rnd 3: K to marker, sl marker, M1, k to marker, M1, sl marker, k to end. (2 sts increased.)

Rep Rounds 2-3 (increasing 2 sts between markers once more. — 8 thumb sts between markers.

Next Rnd: Knit to marker, place 8 thumb sts on scrap yarn, k to end.–26 sts.


Join B when necessary.

Next Rnd: *With A, K1, with B k1; rep from * around.

Next Rnd: *With B, K1, with A k1; rep from * around.

Cut A.

With B, continue knitting every round until piece measures 8 1/2”/21.5 cm from CO edge, or 1  1/2”/4 cm less than desired length of mitten.

Join A when necessary.

Next Rnd: *With B, K1, with A k1; rep from * around.

Next Rnd: *With A, K1, with B k1; rep from * around.

Cut A & B; join C.

Next Rnd: Knit.

Next Round: Knit, while decreasing 2 sts evenly around. — 24 sts.


Rnd 1: [k2tog, k1] 8 times. –16 sts

Rnds 2, 4 & 6: Knit.

Rnd 3: [K2tog] 8 times. –8 sts.

Cut yarn, leaving a 6”/15 cm tail. Weave yarn through remaining sts and draw closed.


Sl sts from scrap yarn to 2 double pointed needles, Using 3rd, pick up 2 sts at thumb gap. –10 sts.

Divide sts evenly over 3 needles.

Rnd 1: With B, knit.

Repreat Rnd 1 until thumb measures 2”/5 cm, or 1”/2.5 cm less than desired length of thumb.

Cut B; join C.

Next Rnd: Knit while dec 1 sts. — 9 sts.


Rnd 1: [K1, k2tog] 3 times. — 6 sts

Rnds 2 & 4: Knit.

Round 3: [K2tog] 3 times. –3 sts

Cut and weave yarn through remaining sts and draw closed.

Left Mitten:

Work as for Right Mitten, reversing thumb gusset as follows:

Rnd 1: N 1: k3, pm, k1, M1, k1, M1, pm, k to end of N 1, k sts on N 1 & 2.


Weave in ends. Block.

Yarn Arts Ambassadaor