Clover Needlecraft

Apple Amigurumi

Hi everyone! I’m Julia from Little World of Whimsy, and I’m here to share a cute Apple pattern, just in time for back to school season! If you want to take this pattern offline, get the pattern on Etsy here.

This amigurumi apple is a super fun and easy pattern perfect for beginners. There are only a few parts and the apple shape is done through a basic sewing technique (which has a video tutorial)! It can be customized to any color and is perfect as play food or for teacher’s gifts.



CC: contrast color

ch: chain

dc: double crochet

dec: decrease

inc: increase (2 scs in the same stitch)

MC: main color

MR: magic ring

rnd: round

sc: single crochet

slst: slip stitch

st(s): stitch(es)

x sc: sc x number of times

(x sts): x total stitches in round/row (…)

x: repeat stitches within brackets x times

Technical Notes

1.Crochet in continuous spiral rounds, unless specified otherwise. Use a stitch marker or piece of yarn to keep track of the last stitch in each round.

2.When filling with polyester stuffing, pull apart each large chunk into many smaller chunks. This ensures an even distribution of firmness within the amigurumi.

3.Stuff the head and the body firmly at the openings so that the neck is stable upon completion.

4.For this pattern, the MC is Red, CC1 is Sienna, and CC2 is Peapod. Final Size: 2″ x 2″


APPLE (in MC.)

Round 1: 6 sc in MR (6 sts)
Round 2: inc x6 (12 sts)
Round 3: (sc, inc) x6 (18 sts)
Round 4: (2 sc, inc) x6 (24 sts)
Round 5: (3 sc, inc) x6 (30 sts)
Round 6: (4 sc, inc) x6 (36 sts)
Round 7: (5 sc, inc) x6 (42 sts)
Round 8: (6 sc, inc) x6 (48 sts)
Round 9-15 (7 rnds): sc around (48 sts)
Insert 4.0mm safety eyes between rounds 11 and 12, four stitches apart.
Round 16: (6 sc, dec) x6 (42 sts) Round 17: (5 sc, dec) x6 (36 sts) Round 18: (4 sc, dec) x6 (30 sts) Round 19: (3 sc, dec) x6 (24 sts) Round 20: (2 sc, dec) x6 (18 sts) Stuff firmly.
Round 21: (sc, dec) x6 (12 sts)
Round 22: dec x6 (6 sts)

Finish off, leaving a long tail (about 2 feet) for sewing. You have just created a ball (fig. 1). For the next step, watch this INSERT LINK HERE video since written instructions are more difficult to follow.

Using a tapestry needle, sew all the way through from the top of the ball to the bottom, and pull the yarn tight to create a dimple at the top. Thread the needle back up the apple to the top and cinch again. Repeat until the hollows at top and bottom remain by themselves (fig. 2). Weave in end.

STEM (in CC1)

Round 1: 6 sc in MR (6 sts)
Round 2-3 (2 rnds): sc around (6 sts)
Do not stuff. Invisible finish off, leaving a tail for sewing (fig. 4). Sew to the center of the top of the apple (see fig. 7 for reference).


Begin: Chain 4
Round 1: See fig. 6 for a crochet chart. Beginning from the second chain from the hook, sc, hdc, then work 4 dcs in the last chain. Continue to work around the other side of the chain and work an hdc and sc on the way back. Slst to the first stitch in the round.

Invisible finish off and weave in end (fig. 5). Use the tail end of the yarn for sewing. Sew the leaf to the right of the stem (fig. 7).

Embroider a “v” shaped mouth using black embroidery thread directly below and in between the eyes (fig. 7).

Your amigurumi Apple is all done!

I hope you enjoyed crocheting it and found the pattern helpful. I would love to see your finished amigurumi, so share a picture on Instagram with me by using the #littleworldofwhimsy and tagging me @littleworldofwhimsy.

This pattern is free but if you’d like to purchase a low-cost PDF, you can find it here.

Once again, if you have any questions don’t hesitate to reach out to me with a direct message on Instagram @littleworldofwhimsy or through email at

Happy crocheting!

Julia Chiang | Little World of Whimsy

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