Decorative Body Pillow with Tassels
Hey Clover family, it’s Danielle from Sprinklesofzeal and I’m back with a tassel project that will elevate your bedroom or living space. This blog will include braiding yarn and adding tassels for a decorative look. Alright, Let’s get started!
Here’s what you’ll need to create the Decorative Pillow:
- Body Pillow
- Cotton Body Pillow Case
- Clover’s Cutting Mat –Art No. 7520
- Clover’s Bordeaux Ultimate Scissors 130 – Art No. 4940
- Clover’s Tassel Maker (Small)- Art No. 9940
- Clover’s Spring Tape Measure – Art No. 9610
- (1) Worsted Weight Yarn
- (1) Sock Weight Yarn Size
- Washi Tape
- Mini Hot Glue Gun
- (1) Vinyl Sheet
- Curved or Straight Needle (Optional)
- Thread (Optional)
Step 1. Plan the Pillow Design.
Choose one of the three designs below for your pillowcase or feel free to create your own design and skip this step.
1. Circles and Tassels.
2. Loops and Tassels.
3. Wavy Lines and Tassels.
I decided to use the loops and tassel design because it fits with my current bed set.
Step 2. Prep the Pillowcase.
Use Clover’s Spring Tape to measure the downward triangles, then use the washi tape as markers. I didn’t want to pin or mark my linen pillowcase, so I used washi tape instead. If you don’t own washi tape, feel free to use any other masking tape.
Pull the spring tape out to 18 inches, then use the washi tape to create one side of the triangle.
Stick the washi tape on the far left corner of the pillowcase, then position it over the previous piece of tape.
Use Clover’s Bordeaux Ultimate Scissors to cut the washi tape.
Continue adding the other downward triangles with washi tape until you have three.
Step 3. Create the Braids
Measure one side of the washi tape to estimate how long the yarn strands should be for the braids. From the corner to the center, my washi tape measures about 15 inches, so I will create 17-inch strands.
Take a strand of yarn and adhere it to Clover’s cutting mat at 17-inches.
Cut the strand.
Measure and cut 6 strands.
Tape the 6 strands to the cutting mat and braid.
The downward triangles have 6 sides, so I created 6 braids and an extra one.
Step 4. Create the Loops
Now it’s time to create the braids for the loops. I wrapped the worsted yarn around the back of my chair. It measures out to about 48-inches in length.
Separate the yarn into 15 strands per section then create 3 Chunky braids for the loops.
Create a loop by crossing the two ends over as shown in the picture below.
Then, bring the two ends down.
Here’s what the chunky braids’ should look like. Be sure to tie, knot, and trim the ends.
Step 5. Create Tassels
Grab your Clover Tassel Maker and let’s create some tassels!
First, adjust the tassel maker to the last notch.
Secure the yarn.
Begin the wrapping process.
Quick Tip: Wrapping the yarn around 50 to 100 times helped me to create a full tassel.
After you’re done wrapping the yarn, secure the other end and cut.
Cut a strand of yarn to create a knot in the center.
Tilt the tassel maker upwards and cut the yarn on each side. The groove is my favorite feature on this tool because I don’t have to worry about missing any strands during the cutting process.
I created tassels for the center and yarn bows to attach to the corners of the pillow.
Step 6. Arrange and Glue
I found that hot glue doesn’t adhere to vinyl, so I suggest using it as a barrier to prevent the glue from sticking to the back of your pillowcase.

Once the vinyl is in place, begin replacing the washi tape with the smaller braids.

Continue to adjust the vinyl and glue.
As you can see, the design is coming to life!
Placing the tassels underneath the loop adds a nice touch to the pillowcase.
Use Clover’s Bordeaux scissors to trim the yarn.
Add hot glue to the corner and attach the yarn ribbon.
Check out the finished pillow below!
If you enjoyed this tutorial, be sure to show me your Decorative Body Pillow with the hashtag #makeitwithzeal and tag me @sprinklesofzeal on all social media. I can’t wait to see your creations!
Well, until next time, have a craftastic day!
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