Clover Needlecraft

5 Reasons New Knitters Need this Knitting Accessory Set for Beginners

5 Reasons New Knitters Need this Knitting Accessory Set for Beginners

Clover’s done it again; they’ve come out with yet another kit that makes things easier for us crafters. The latest, Knitting Accessory Set for Beginners, which arguably is not just for newbies as it’s got the basic supplies that any knitter needs, but nevertheless was created to give a great start to unseasoned stitchers. Here are 5 reasons why!

Stop the Drop

When you’re new to knitting the thought of dropping a stitch can be panic-inducing. After all, a dropped stitch means something needs to be fixed, and fixing comes later in learning, and really ALL YOU WANT TO DO NOW IS KNIT! Right? So, even though picking up a rogue stitch or two isn’t difficult (and Clover has a tool for that, too!) it’s definitely easier to just not deal with it at all.

The most common occurrence of stitches becoming unknit is ironically when we’re not actually knitting at all. It’s when we set our project down on a table and a pesky pet knocks the needles, or throw it in a bag (because we’re guys and gals on-the-go!) that can be the problem. The solution? The Knitting Accessory Set for Beginners‘ Point Protectors set! Stick ’em on your needle tips and your knitting will stay nestled on its needles where it belongs!



Wait, where was I?

If you’re a beginner working in rib or seed stitch — or frankly, any knitter with a pension for zoning out while knitting garter stitch — forgetting which side of your WIP (work in progress) is the right-side can be iffy. Well, here’s a trick that will prevent that issue in a jiffy! (See what I did there?) Simply place a Quick Locking Stitch Marker from the Knitting Accessory Set for Beginners on the right side of your work to help keep track. It’s removable, which makes it easy to move along your work as you go!


Lather, Rinse, Repeats

As knitters venture passed working one type of stitch continuously to instead knitting a combination of stitches to create a pattern repeat, it’s helpful not to have to guess where you’re at in that repeat at any given time. The Knitting Accessory Set for Beginners comes with a plethora of stitch markers with a purpose: which in this case, is to aid in your repeat realization!

It’s the End of the Round as We Know It

The natural progression of learning how to knit is often first, working flat pieces and then, moving to knitting-in-the-round. As one gets more experienced they may (or may not) decide to cheat by using the yarn tail as a guide for where one round ends and the other begins. This is risky, though because you really have to have an eye (especially if a pattern stitch is involved) for “reading” stitches. The more efficient choice, is to use a stitch marker to note where you are (and where you’ve been) in your circular project! And hey, and on that note, the Knitting Accessory Set for Beginners hits the mark!


Organization is Key

There’s a lot to remember when you’re learning any new skill, and knitting is no different. Which supplies to use together and for which projects; which stitch happens on what row; what abbreviations in patterns mean — you know the drill. One way to make things easier on ourselves, though is to stay organized. Keeping our Takumi Bamboo Knitting Needles together (by size) in a case, gathering yarns by weight or color, and keeping notions together all in one place — like with the Knitting Accessory Set for Beginners, will help you keep calm and knit on!

So here’s to you, new knitters: we’re so happy to have you hand-making with us, and we hope some of Clover Needlecrafts’ handy tools help you along the way. Enjoy!

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