Clover Needlecraft

Egg Pompom + Clover News by Vickie Howell

Clover VH_BLOG_BANNERFor years now (seriously, over a decade), I’ve used Clover brand tools more than any other for my knitting, crochet, and general notions needs. Their bamboo, Takumi needles are a staple item in my studio (I love the way wool sliding off bamboo feels), and 9 times out of 10 if I need a large-eyed yarn needle or a stitch holder, Clover’s going to be the name on the one I grab from the shelves. That said, I’m thrilled to announce that I am now their, Yarn Arts Ambassador! In conjunction with my role as the International Spokesperson for Yarnspirations (in which I get to share all kinds of yarn-y goodness with knitter’s and crocheters), I’m excited to provide scoop on new products, as well as create new projects using Clover tools –or sometimes, just share a new way to use a notion that’s been around for awhile; like the one I’m showing today. Let’s dig in!

(Side note: I also have a daughter named, Clover. No relation. Just coincidence. It may get confusing. ;-))

I don’t know about you, but I’m perpetually decorating for holidays at the 11th hour. A lot of that has to do with being a working mom of 3, and juggling career, home, and family. Some of it, though truly happens because I love crafting in theme of whatever day it is on or around the actual day it’s happening. I’m one to cast-on for a red knitting project on Valentine’s Day, or start a little crocheted, Fall-colored something on Thanksgiving. It’s part of the way I celebrate!

Well, folks here we are just a couple days away from Easter which means time to craft in a water colored palette — and since I have an entire Pinterest board dedicated to pom-poms, I decided this was the route I’d go. What’s cuter than pastel pom-poms, you ask? Egg-shaped versions, of course! They’re easy to shape as long as you have a firm, evenly-wound pom foundation to start with. To get this, I highly recommend forgoing the fork, hand, or cardboard method. Instead, opt for a pom-pom maker (trust me, I tried without one and my finished, trimmed, egg-pom looked more like a sad, under-watered topiary.)

Make one for fun or to hang from the kidlet’s basket, or more to make a garland. Here’s how!

Bernat Sheep(ish) Stripes by Vickie Howell, in color: Homme(ish)Large, Clover Pom-pom Maker



Once you’ve followed the above steps, it’s time to give your pom an eggcut! The trick is to trim in arcs. As long as you cut more of on the ends than you do in the middle, you’ll be golden (like a gold egg for Easter!)

Here’s a quickie, time-lapse video to show what I did.


Simple, fast, and frankly, smile-inducing. Grab your Clover Pom-pom Maker, and get eggy with it this weekend!

Happy Easter, Ostara, Bunny Day, Spring, or whatever!



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