Blog,  Embroidery

Embroidered Cell Phone Case


Embroidered Cell Phone Case with Felt

It’s Summer! Isn’t it great?

The only thing that’s not so great is that dreaded phrase all parents fear….

Mooom  (or Daaad) I’m BORED!!!

Keep the kids from getting bored this summer by keeping their creative juices flowing and those little hands busy with some fun and easy crafty projects.

Create a  cell phone/iPod case using felt sheets and embroidery stitches for embellishment. Help your children make it their own by adding initials, buttons, and other designs. Parental guidance is needed because of the use of needles for this project.



  • Cut two pieces of felt 3.5″ x 11.5″
  • Layer the two panels of felt together.
  • Use the Air Erasable Marker to mark off stitch points before sewing.
  • photo 1
  • Fold bottom half up approx. 4.5″. Use embroidery needles and floss to create a blanket stitch along the edges.
  • Embellish with buttons, embroider initials, personalize it any way!

photo 2