
International Quilt Market


Isn’t this a beautiful convention center?  We are fortunate to have such a lovely place to celebrate Quilting and the amazingly talented and creative folks that design and make the comfort givers we know as QUILTS!

Living in the Northwest I have to get up with the sun to make my flight “inland” as we call anywhere but the coast.   Fall has come to the Northwest and it was a pleasure to head out to warm and sunny Houston.

Setting up 6 booths is hard work so the crew felt it was time for a little lunch and a bit of rest

It was exciting as it always is with the colors and sounds and all those quilting necessities we haven’t seen before, or new ways to use the things we have at home. My heart and spirit are constantly uplifted at these shows and I return home ready to conquer the world … and finish at least one quilting project in my ‘project tub”.  Actually, it has become tubs.

Ruffles are EVERYWHERE these days.

This year we saw more color, color, color, ruffles, ruffles, ruffles, and everyone seems to be wearing retro aprons these days! Pretty soon cast iron skillets will once again be “the thing”.  Good that I still have all mine!  The bold colors  in this booth caught my attention.

I loved the color in this booth.

Wouldn't this handsome fellow look great in a fall arrangement.

Attendees know they will always find new and exciting products and techniques at the Clover Booth which makes us a destination booth and keeps the FABULOUS demonstrators busy.  Clover had several new items to present and they are truly innovative and will make your life much easier and fun. Well, the crafting and needlework part anyway.

Clover's new E-tablet coversClover's E-Paper Keeper



The E-Tablet and Paper Tablet Keepers are the newest set of traceable templates in the Nancy Zieman Trace ‘n Create Template series. Now you can write, read or email in style!.  The three sizes and two variations of this template give you creative freedom to 2-1/2”


Pre-Cut Tablet Keeper Shapers with Nancy Zieman – Your E-Tablet and Paper Tablet Keepers will not be complete without its Shapers! The Pre-Cut Tablet Keeper Shapers are heavy weight to give your cases a professional finish.  Available in assortment package and large size.


Fuse ‘n Bind “Fusible Binding Tape” with Nancy Zieman – Finish off your E-Tablet and Paper Tablet Keepers with easy Fuse ‘n Bind. Just press, fold, and bind!  Available in ½” width in 2- and 6-yard packages.


Fuse ‘n Gather “Fusible Gathering Tape” with Nancy Zieaman – Press, pull, stitch and  you have a gather! Gathering has never been this easy! Perfect for dresses, pillows, quilts, and craft projects.  Available in 5/8” width in 6- and 15-yard packages.


Flower Frill Templates in Extra Small and Mini sizes!  – You’ve asked for them and now they’re here! Two new smaller sizes perfect for decorating children’s clothing, baby items, and craft projects. Both sizes are available in one package that includes 2 of each size — 2” and 2-1/2”.

We were thrilled at the turnout at our Media Preview. Editors and writers for quilting, sewing, crafting and needlework magazines come and preview the new products so they can write about them. Be sure to watch for those magazines on the newsstands for Clover’s new products and project ideas. We thank each one that took the time to attend.

Fall Quilt market ends our trade show season and we are busy preparing for the upcoming holidays, just like you all. We are also busy working on the exciting new products we will have for you in the new year. The model makers are having fun with these new items and I wish I could tell you all about them but mum is the word for now. We hope you will enjoy the new items we have presented this year and that you use them for some awesome holiday gifts.

I am including pictures of some of the outstanding quilts I was able to view. There are so many quilts displayed at the show and my walking around time was very limited this year so I apologize to those of you that will not be represented in the following pictures. You are all amazing in my book!


Sharon Schamber

Payson, AZ

I was so blown away by the handwork on this quilt I forgot to take a full picture of the quilt.
This doll stole my heart.  I was so blown away by the beauty and detail I forgot to get the maker’s name for which I apologize. Amazing!
Artist:  Jennifer Day
Santa Fe, NM
Title:  Wisdom
I have a love of horses and quilting - beautiful blend. WONDERFUL !!

A lot of piecing went into this quilt.  I started a top like this many years ago and it is now a work in progress.

 Artist:  Vicki Quint
    Watertown, WI
A lot of time went into the piecing of this quilt.
I could have spent several days viewing the truly amazing quilts at market .  Hope you enjoy seeing the ones I was able to take photos of.
Happy Stitching!