
Busy, Busy January

January was a busy month for those of us at Clover Needlecraft.  Sunny Long Beach, California, welcomed us for The National Needlework Association (TNNA) trade show where we all got our yarn fix.  Two weeks later we were heading to Anaheim, California, ( not so sunny) for the Craft and Hobby Association (CHA) Craft Super Show, a consumer event, and trade show where all the other crafts were featured.  If you are a scrapbooker you would have been in pure heaven with all the vendors with amazing papers and all the terrific embellishments.  We saw old friends and made new ones which is always a blessing.

One long time friend in the market, Carol Newman of All American Crafts, stopped by the booth to chat and show off her new granddaughter, CLOVER!! (See photo.) How cool is that?!  Vickey Howell of Knitty Gritty fame also has a beautiful baby girl named CLOVER … go figure!  I have a picture of Vickie’s precious baby but did something and can’t get it out of my camera.  I am not known for my techinical skills where electronic things are concerned.  We are all proud Clover aunties and uncles to these new arrivals and wish only the best for them.  Be sure and check out Vickie’s website and her blog to find out what’s happening in her world these days.

Baby Clover
The Clover crew is not always so business like - in fact we could take our act to the Comedy Channel and probably do fairly well. L to R..Carol Porter, Beckie Hanson, Me, Alicia Salazar - the Clover Girls and our fearless leader and COO, Jan Carr.
Our esteemed President Mr Yasuhiro Okada from Osaka, Japan. He was a good sport to pose with us!! If you can't tell, the glasses are big clovers.

We are all home now getting ready for the Trends show in Portland, Oregon, The Textile Show in Las Vegas, and the AQS show in Paducah, Kentucky.