• Blog

    Knit 2-At-A-Time Dresden Socks

    We’re still celebrating the week-long event known as World Wide Knit in Public Day. Where have you taken your knitting so far? World Wide Knit in Public Day started in 2005 and is the largest knitting “meet-up” event in the world! It’s the perfect opportunity to make new friends, learn something new, and show the world that knitting can be fun and is good for your health. Help get rid of that stereotype so many have placed on knitting (it’s not just for grandma!) Join others around the world to create some…

  • Blog

    How to Knit with Beads by Fran Ortmeyer

    I have become a fan of knitting with beads. There are several ways to make this happen…one is pre stringing the beads which takes way more time and patience than I have been gifted with SO I did some research and decided the method using a crochet hook to add the beads as you go was what I needed. I love the process and adding beads this way holds them in place. When knitting with prestrung beads you knit them into the stitch and they tend to roll around to…

  • On the Road

    Vogue Knitting LIVE Seattle Recap

    Vogue Knitting LIVE Seattle March 2014 Recap through Photos Clover has long been a sponsor of the Vogue Knitting LIVE events, however it’s not often that we get to attend the shows to see first hand what Vogue Knitting LIVE is all about. There are classes, lectures, fashion shows, and yarns galore! If you’ve never been, make sure to add it to your wish list because it is a weekend full of fun! Clover was a classroom sponsor, were you one of the lucky ones to receive a sample of…

  • Blog

    Friday Finds – Get Bamboozled!

    Are you Bamboozled yet? We couldn’t end this week without giving you a little more inspiration.  Check out some of the fun and easy projects you can create using Clover’s Takumi Bamboo Knitting Needles and Accessories. Attaching sleeves finishing techniques   spillyjane knits: Naïve Socks swatchandlearn.com Purple Beanie Triangle Stitch Markers Weaving in your ends using Chibi Darning Needles

  • Blog

    Watch Us Wednesday- Takumi Across the Globe

    Takumi, a word that means skilled craftsmanship, is a perfect word to describe our high quality knitting needles and the process that goes into making them.   Find out what knitters across the world have to say about Clover’s Takumi Bamboo knitting needles. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EebAenzL0LQ&feature=c4-overview-vl&list=PL5132C032F79ABB84] For more knitting inspiration, visit our Pinterest Knit and Purl Board and tell us why  you choose Takumi.

  • Blog

    Bamboo Week

    Everything is Bamboo this week at Clover. This strong and hardy fiber is used to create Clover’s Takumi Bamboo Knitting Needles. Clover uses a careful and detailed process to deliver exceptional Bamboo products. Find out more about what makes Clover’s knitting needles stand out from the rest in the links below. New to knitting? Our friends at the Knitting Channel will show you the way. Join Jill Moray as she provides step by step instructions for her revolutionary knitting technique known as the Knitting Pretty Method. Complete all your knitting…

  • Blog

    Friday Finds – Knitted I-Cords

    One of the simplest ways to teach knitting is to start with a knitted tube of yarn or i-cord. The i-cord was originally created by the late Elizabeth Zimmerman, knitting pioneer, who called it the idiot cord because anyone can knit one or i-cord for short. It really is quite an ingenious and very versatile piece of knitting. You’ll see i-cords used as ties and finished edges on knit garments; as belts and bag handles; with beads knit in as jewelry; and as decorative elements on home dec projects.  You can create an i-cord…

  • Blog

    Earth Day Finds

    Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle is the perfect way to honor the planet, and minimize our footprint.  For those of us who craft and create, it’s a way of life.  We’re always setting aside little found treasures to add into our next projects.  You know you’re a true crafter when family and friends also squirrel away little treasures they think you might be able to use in your creations. Earth Day is a great time to share our thrifty ways. We’d love to hear about your found treasures and how you…

  • Blog

    Make It Monday – Knitted Winter Trio

    Knit a fashionable winter ensemble to help keep you warm on these remaining winter days. This knitted project includes how to knit a matching set of boot toppers, fingerless gloves, and cute headband.  All three are knitted with the Takumi Bamboo Double Pointed Knitting Needles.  Coordinate in your favorite color with a new outfit and you’re sure to stay warm!