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    Friday Finds – Hexafish Rubberband Bracelet

        Here’s an item we haven’t talked about in a while, Clover’s French Knitter. Denise Juhasz’s demonstrates how you can create fun and creative jewelry with multi-colored rubber bands. One of the hottest gifts this year and you can now create it with our French Knitter. It’s a great use and fun projects for children.  Hexafish Rubberband Bracelet using Clover’s French Knitter

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    Friday Finds – Spring Flowers

    Spring flowers are popping everywhere we look online.  Clover makes several fabulous  tools to help you create custom flowers for all your fashion and home decorating needs.  We’re linking up both the tools and our Pinterest boards of inspiring projects for each of the tools to give you oodles of flower making ideas like this adorable wall hanging from Moda Fabrics. Pour a cup of your favorite hot beveredge and join us for a little flower making inspiration. Sweetheart Rose Makers and Pinterest Board Flower Frill Templates and Pinterest Board Kanzashi…

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    Watch Us Wednesday- Fabric Flower Blog Tour

    Amy Barickman wrote a fantastic how to book for all your fashion and decorating needs called Fabric Flowers.  She’s right in the midst of a blog tour giving away her book and packages of Clover tools daily that you can use to create your own fabric flowers.  Here’s a taste of her beautiful flowers: Stop by Amy’s blog for all the details on how to win and the stops on the Fabric Flowers Blog Tour. Don’t forget there’s still time to enter to win a set of the new Jumbo…