Helix Scarf with a Soft Twirl
A sunny hello to you all from Las Vegas! I am here for the International Textile Show and am looking forward to seeing all the beautiful designer fabrics and new embellishments the vendors will be showing. I haven’t had time to work on my Irish Sweater for grandson, Garret, with all the preparations for the show but I did bring my two Helix scarves that are about completed. I really want to get these off the needles and use some of the exciting yarns in my stash. The pattern for…
Two Different Fibers In One Fabulous Look
This week we want to show you some advance techniques just to get those creative juices flowing…possibilities abound! Those who have seen this Pink and Gray Necklace and Bracelet set at some of our shows have picked it out as a favorite.
French Knitter Using Yarns and Other Fibers
Okay so Monofilament has a mind of its own, but we so absolutely love the “floating” look of the beads! We can’t get enough of this look. This week we are going to step back and suggest using yarn, embroidery floss and crochet thread. Yarn is, of course, one of the first fibers used with the wooden/nail spool knitters of childhood….but let’s take another look at the fibers available today.
Irish Fisherman knit for Grandson
Oh! WOW!!! March already? It is definitely March weather here in the Northwest today….70 mph winds and pounding rain. It is a day to build a fire and curl up on the couch with my current knitting projects. Yes, I said projects! The big project I have going right now is an Irish Fisherman knit patterned sweater for my grandson, Garret, age 7. Hopefully I will finish it before the Midwest winter ends and muggy summer arrives. With St Patricks day as my finish goal ( I’m not making it)…
French Knitter Jewelry Making Saga
Welcome to a whole month of French Knitter Jewelry creation! Every week we will be featuring new ideas to help you make successful jewelry using simple methods, tricks, and materials. We’re excited to share our creations so, let’s get started!! This week we used Nylon Monofilament or some call it ‘fishing line’ with the French Knitter. We like nylon because it’s made from a single fiber of plastic so they are pliable plus they come in a variety of thicknesses and colors. Nylon also makes stringing beads easy because of…
Creativity on the Loose
Okay, Okay, Okay, it’s time to clean the work room again….I DO NOT understand why the area I work in stays so messy…..could it be I run from one project to the next in such a state of sheer excitement that I forget the Elves told me long ago they were NOT picking up after me anymore…the cookies I left in payment just didn’t cut it, I guess. Getting ready for “the next show” is always fun although I often have to unpack my suitcases in order to repack. Getting…
Clover heads to TNNA and CHA shows!
1 Day before TNNA Show, the snow storm hit Seattle and shut the airport down the day I was trying to fly out to Phoenix for the TNNA show. It was an adventure and I was only at the show for 2 days. I did not come home with a suitcase of yarn as I usually do. The new colors are as exciting as they are each year and the trends are going back to knit and crocheted skirts, ponchos…..yes…..ponchos for those of us that remember the 60’s and 70’s…
E-Tablet and Paper Tablet Project
Trace ‘n Create E-Tablet and Paper Tablet Keepers was introduced at the same time as the Fuse ‘n Gather and Fuse ‘n Bind. I am an avid reader and was gifted with an E-Reader last Christmas. I carry it everywhere I go and have to admit the cover is getting a little “worn” looking. When I received the template I was gung ho to whip out a beautiful cover for it…….BUT……..I don’t sew garments or crafty projects well. Something about directions and my lack of finishing techniques just doesn’t work well. …
International Quilt Market
HOUSTON, TEXAS Isn’t this a beautiful convention center? We are fortunate to have such a lovely place to celebrate Quilting and the amazingly talented and creative folks that design and make the comfort givers we know as QUILTS! Living in the Northwest I have to get up with the sun to make my flight “inland” as we call anywhere but the coast. Fall has come to the Northwest and it was a pleasure to head out to warm and sunny Houston. Setting up 6 booths is hard work so the…
Marking Tools For Quilts
Needles and thread of some sort have been around from practically the beginning of time and women have been making clothing and bedding for nearly as long. Over time the process for making warm bed coverings has improved greatly but the basic process has been the same. Two fabric layers and something in the middle to make it warm and you have a quilt. To keep those layers from falling apart stitches had to be applied to “sandwich” the layers and keep them together. Tying quilts was a quick and often used method of…