On the Road

When Creativity Knocks at Clover

While at the CHA (Craft Hobby Association) Trade Show, I had the amazing opportunity to do a segment on the WHEN CREATIVITY KNOCKS show with Anna and Megan.  What a kick!  These two ladies and their crew are such a riot and made my doing a “bit” about our new BOW MAKER easy and fun. When someone shines a filming light and big ole camera in my face I usually react like a deer caught in headlights but one and all made me feel right at home.  Anyone that has had the opportunity to meet and visit with these guys can’t help but come away feeling blessed.  Their bubbly personalities instantly put you at ease and the information their show provides the public is a “must see”.  They keep their viewers up to date on the new happenings in the market with how to demonstrations on the latest tools and trends.

Megan Araujo and Fran with their magic wands.
Megan, Fran and Ana during the shoot of Bow Makers (we are having so much fun!)
Demonstration of Bow Makers


Carol's turn to demonstrate the Sweetheart Rose Makers
The finished rosettes