
The Road Trip with Hubby (Day 3)

This the view we wake to each morning and look – people here actually exercise and seem to enjoy it…amazing.

Road trip with hubby 019Road trip with hubby 017We drove over the mountains through Carson, Virginia City and Gold Hill.  Seeing the old mining towns was interesting and the museums fun to wander through.

The scenic drive today  didn’t let us down in the ooh and ahh category.  The lake is so huge it can be seen from the top of the mountain ridge.

The old mining towns that create so much of the history of this area were fun to drive through.  It was also a reminder of how hard the lives of those living in the area were.  I’m sure the women made their quilts and knit their socks ( if they could find wool)

I still haven’t found a yarn shop .. actually hailed a patrolman and ask him if there was a yarn shop in the town….he said he could honestly say NO.

People must truly come here to exercise…imagine that.

There were a few of the old houses remaining from the mining days and they held their own faded beauty.

There were many old mine areas like this one but we would have had to actually stop the car to get pictures of them!

Please keep in mind that hubby isn’t one to pull over for pics so all of these have been taken out the car window going about 70mph.  I am getting better and better at knitting and looking…no rows were pulled out today.

Road trip with hubby 016

Not everyone in Nevada like the tourists!

The sun was starting to set as we pulled back into Lake Tahoe.  It has been another grand day seeing some new country, time to work on my shawl and the tablecloth and time spent with hubby although, today, his jokes have not been quite so funny.  hummmmmm

Tomorrow we head to Yosemite National Park! Yea!!!!