Clover Needlecraft

Fall Owl Pattern

Hello! I’m Mary from MarysYarnBasket! Get your fall season started with my adorable owl pattern! This guy works up quickly and the color possibilities are endless! You can also find the inexpensive pattern in a printable PDF version here.


(U.S. crochet terms)

ch – chain

sc – single crochet

MR – magic ring

sl st – slip stitch

dec – crochet two stitches together (decreasing)

inc – crochet two stitches into the same stitch (increasing)

*– repeat around (unless otherwise noted)


The yarn colors used for my owls in the photos were: Fall Leaves, Sonoma, Taupe, Sand, and Almond.

This finished product will measure approximately 7 inches tall and 5 inches wide.


Eyes (white) x2

  1. MR 6 (6)
  2. inc in each st around (12)
  3. sl st and fasten off. Leave a tail for sewing.

Place safety eyes onto the center of the eye and place the back on. You may use felt for the eyes if you wish.

Note: The safety eye backs are placed before the eyes are sewn to the body.


Wings (color A) x2

  1. MR 6 (6)
  2. inc in each st around (12)

3-4. sc around (12)

  1. dec (6)
  2. sl st closed

Fasten off and leave a tail for sewing.


Beak (orange)

  1. MR 4 (4)
  2. sc, inc* (6)
  3. sl st and fasten off. Leave a tail for sewing.

Body (color B)

  1. MR 6 (6)
  2. inc in each st around (12)
  3. sc, inc* (18)
  4. sc, inc, [sc 2, inc] repeat 5 times, sc (24)
  5. sc 3, inc* (30)

6-16. sc around (30)

  1. sc 3, dec* (24)
  2. sc, dec, [sc 2, dec] repeat 5 times, sc (18)
  3. dc 2, sc 6, dc 3, sc 6, dc (18)
  4. sl st to the top of the first dc

Do NOT fasten off.


Now it’s time to add the eyes, beak, and belly feathers. I find it easier to sew them on before it is stuffed but if you would like to add them at the very end that is ok too. Lay the owl body flat with the “ear points” on each side.


Place the tops of the eyes at approximately round 18. Make sure both eyes are close together Once the eyes are on, sew the beak in-between and just below where the eyes touch. Then, you will embroider the “feathers” on the belly with a generous scrap of white yarn and a yarn needle. Making “V” shapes place four evenly on round 12, or the round directly below the beak. Next, place three “Vs” evenly on round 10. Lastly, place two “Vs” on round 8

Now, stuff the owl, keeping the bottom as flat as possible. Once it is stuffed how you like, sl st across the top to close. Fasten off and weave in the tail.

The last step is sewing on the wings. Attach the wings at approximately round 13 on the sides of the body.


I hope you have enjoyed this pattern! I would love to see your finished creations! Feel free to tag me on Instagram @marysyarnbasket or use the hashtag #marysyarnbasket.  You can also find me on TikTok as well at marysyarnbasket.


If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me at

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