
Clover’s Weaving Sticks


Clover’s Weaving Sticks are a great way to create basically anything you want!!

How do you use them? First you have to decide whether your project requires a thick or fine weave. Depending on your project will determine the size of weaving sticks you use for example; a thicker weave would be needed for a rug and a thinner weave is necessary for a bracelet. Once you decide how thick you want to weave you have to decide how wide you want your project. You are able to make your project as thick as the six sticks included in your package or as thin as two weaving sticks. If you’re creating an even bigger project such as a rug or bag all you need to do is sew your panels you weave together with the darning needle that is also provided in your package. You simply add the warp to the end of your sticks like yarn or cording and you start weaving across your sticks with your chosen material going over and under until your project is completely on your warp. There are many great projects to create and don’t worry if you’re a beginner we have a book just for you, just pick up, Super Simple Stick Weaving by Ashley Little

stick weaving

This book will get you started in no time!!!

Why use Clover’s Weaving Sticks? Very simply they’re very easy to use and will allow you to use all types of materials such as fabric or yarn, as long as you can wind it around your sticks you can use it. There is no crocheting or knitting involved you’re simply weaving over and under your sticks back and forth which also makes it a great children’s project.


We want to get you started on the weaving sticks, so enter our giveaway!! Three lucky people will be winning both Super Simple Stick Weaving by Ashley Little and Clover Weaving Sticks, enter now!!!!

Enter to win Simple Stick Weaving by Ashley Little and Clover Weaving Sticks here