Clover Needlecraft

Sewing with My Daughter-In-Law and Granddaughters

Melanie is a nurse and helps her family out by taking 12hr shifts on the weekends…Sat/ Sun or Sun/Mon.  We try to visit my son and his family every other weekend.  So far we seem to visit on the Saturday that Melanie works.  My other boys and their wives live in the Seattle area too so our visits are often filled with family gatherings.

In order for Mel and me to get good solid sewing time together…I need to be there during the week.  So I pack up my “office” and sewing equipment and off I go for some sewing time with the girls.

The girls are 4 & 2 years old and active with pre-school, dance, and swimming lessons…and well just plain ACTIVE!  So we need to work around their schedules, and napping.

Mel is new to sewing and has made “twirly” skirts, a baby quilt, pillow cases, and reusable sandwich wraps for sack lunches.

This time, eyeing my handmade bag, she has decided to focus on making one herself.

This is great since I brought all the fixings and pattern for this bag and will post soon!

Please check out Clover’s Bag Makeovers Series going on this month.

We set out to get everything cut out as our first step.

Whew, we’re done before Nina wakes up!

Once all is cut we are ready to start.

Over the next couple of days Mel and I get some sewing done.

Mel makes more progress than I do ‘cause my playing with the girls allows her more sewing time.

Zella and Nina are fascinated by the sewing machines. One of Zella’s favorite games is picking up the pins with my magnetic pin holder!

Both girls really wanted to practice cutting up fabric!

As a quilter I could not be happier…that’s the first step to making a quilt!

They’re on their way

Here’s Mel’s finished bag…so proud of her work!   Mine will be on the Clover blog.

For those of you wanting to know, this is the Monterey Petite Plus Bag from the Nancy Zieman Trace ‘n Create California Collection.

Now the other DILs want to make their own bags.

Another adventure from my sewing room where I believe…inspire…and create!


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