On the Road

On The Road Again

Summer seems to be over … the mornings are crisp and the nights c-o-o-l. Leaves are changing and the horses are putting on their winter coats. I was excited to pack the car and head to Portland, Oregon, for our E.E. Schenck Distributor show. It’s a beautiful drive and with the  clear skies and pretty follage I knew it would be a relaxing three hours. I always look forward to the opportunity to work the Schenck show because there is such high energy and I love seeing ode friends and making new.

fall colors outside my office window

The response to the new products coming in October (a little teaser here!) was great. Of course the new things are awesomeas are all of our products. They’ll make your crafting life easier, more creative and might even promote world peace!!  We can hope, can’t we?

Of course I came home with new toys and bolts (BOLTS!) of fabric just screaming at me to make quilt tops and some other fun projects. There is such a sense of empowerment to put BOLTS of fabric that make your heart sing into your stash at home. Ahhhh, so many projects and so little time!

It’s great to hear our customers share stories regarding their favorite tools. The Seam Ripper has to make the top of the list of most loved products with the Ball Point Awl following close behind. The yo-yo makers are still strong in the market and I was amazed at the new quilt patterns I saw using yo-yo’s. Check out Marsha Layton’s quilt patterns. She is totally in love with the yo-yo makers and uses all sizes and shapes in her wall hangings. You go Marsha!!

I loved hearing the response to the Kanzashi Flower Makers and the Frill Flowers (2 smaller sizes coming in October) and how they were being used. These products lend themselves to use with younger crafters as well as the more sophisticated ones. It’s exciting to put a product like these into your hands and see the amazing end results.
School has started and making the Frill Flower and the Kanzashi Flowers in your School Colors to wear during the sports season is a great idea. Make the large Flower Frill and wear it to the away games to show your school spirit and support for the team players.
With each day bringing cooler temps it’s time to begin thinking about indoor activities and for me that means knitting. I am way behind in my sock making and can’t wait to get in my stash and pick sock yarns. The whole process will go so much quicker using the 48″ cord and needles from Clover’s Interchangable Knitting Needle set … two socks at the same time! Whoopie!
Skittles, my faithful companion and assistant wool protector thinks the bird bath is really his fancy drinking bowl.

Skittles and I wish you a happy day filled with wonderful crafting adventures.