Clover Needlecraft

Check it Out!

As we move into spring I see the new leaves budding out on the trees and remember a phrase my Mom uses this time of year — “The sap is rising,” which means the trees are waking up and their creative juices are working to produce the beautiful leaves we will enjoy until the winter temps send them away to rest through the cold months. I wonder if they go to Florida or Arizona like people do.


It seems the trees aren’t the only ones with their creative juices flowing.  I have several web sites for you to check out that talk about Clover’s awesome products. Check out whats happening out there in creativity land!! Candie makes the most unique jewlery and loves working with Clover products. Her latest blog is regarding the felting tools. Be sure to log on and see what her creativity produced.

Also, be sure to log onto the When Creativity Knocks web site ( and see the videos of Clover demonstrators showing how to use the new items.

I recently did a radio show interview on the Craft Diva Lounge program. What a fun experience that was! And the two hosts are truly excited about the craft industry and the products out there.  Check it out —

If you’re using Clover products please let me know and we’ll include your site for all to see and enjoy.



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