Clover Needlecraft

Cover Story Yo-Yos

U200902Good morning on this fine spring day.  Spring has finally come to the Northwest and the locals are absolutely giddy from three days of sunshine.  I want to thank you all for being patient with me…the learning curve for the blog was a bit sharper than i thought or maybe I just made it harder than need be….hopefully we are on the right track…let me know if not.

We have some exciting news to share!  McCall’s Pattern Catalog for Early Summer 2009 features a dress on the cover embellished with beautiful Yo-Yo’s.  They ( yoyo’s) are still going strong so keep your eyes on alert for the new Yo-Yo shapes Clover will be making available in a short time.  We are seeing a lot of embellishment on children’s and teen’s clothing in magazines and catelogs.

have you seen the beautiful things that can be made with our Sweetheart Rose Maker Weddings are coming up and we are working on some stunning models for table centerpieces, bouquets and many other accessories.  The cool thing about the Sweetheart Rose Maker is you can co-ordinate the colors used in your wedding.  Too Cool!  We will be showing these models at the Spring Quilt Market in Philadelphia, PA in May and I will have pictures to share so check back.  There is such a showing of
retro items in the fashion market this season….all things old are now new…..and the fabric roses are a great embellishment on these items.

The Clover Girls are working on new models for the wonder knitterwhich is so great for craft projects.  The great thing about this tool is all ages can work with it and it covers fun crafty projects up to the beautiful I-cord finishing on sweaters and other knit items.  Check in as we will be featuring projects to do with this fun little tool.

I am so excited about the retro crocheted pot-holders i have been working on.  Most of us baby boomers remember cooking with the cast iron skillets and we had to use pot-holders to handle them.  i have some of my mother’s old pot-holders and some that were given to me when i first got married….oooooh so long ago!  I have pulled them out and reproduced them….writing patterns as i worked.  We will soon have those patterns available for you on our web site and the blog.  Two other Clover Girls shared some of their treasured pot-holders so i have had a wealth of designs to work with.  It takes a short time to work them up and they bring back such wonderful memories.  If any of you have some cute crocheted pot-holders and are so inclined to share a pic i would love to see them and share with our readers.  Gosh, i might just whip out my cast iron skillet and cook something up.  well, if i can find it, that is!

Socks, socks, socks!!!! i am possessed by making socks and Lion Brand Yarn was so generous to share their new Sock Ease Yarn with me i have been knitting away.  I have learned the method of knitting two socks at one time and don’t want to put the needles down.  Our 48″ circular makes the process soooo easy.  i just can’t believe that in a short time i have a completed pair.  i am one of those knitters that loves the colors of yarn and by the time i have one sock done i am ready to move on to another ball of yarn…..that’s why i have several pair of socks going at once.  if you haven’t tried the two socks on circulars give it a try…you will love it…..and of course our takumi velvet 48″ circulars will make knitting the socks a dream.  Keep watching….coming soon…new, smaller sizes in the circulars.

The Clover Girls and crew are gearing up for the Spring Quilt Market in Philadelphia, PA next month and the items being featured there will be new bags by Nancy Zieman


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